"I don't understand why everyone goes so young or "pretty" with Butch. He's older when he becomes a vamp, and already quite weathered by that point. I've only realized that the description reminds me o"

"@Emily J.: I love Michael Pare. He really was undersold (had a bad agent I think), because he certainly could have been someone. At least as good as Stallone or Travolta. I do need to finish off my d"

"Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I've added a few things, though David Copperfield is a TV movie, so I won't be adding it to this list."

"Oh, and yes...I think the Flash lasted a season or so. They got Mark Hamill to play one of the villains. It was corny, but oh so fun."

"Never really saw any of those, Toon Head, but yeah, the Tick deserved more than it got, but then it wasn't exactly something they should have been showing in prime time. I think it would have fared be"

"Have to give it a vote just for that last one...made me laugh something fierce... Still, with that level of fail, it may be one of those films that's so bad it's good... Or we can hope, anyway."

"She really is so amazing. What a gorgeous list. I love that her characters are so wide-ranging."

"Thanks! I do my best. Sometimes I get a little behind, but never too bad. :)"