"Well, I've only ever lived in Washington, so I guess that counts me out. Cool list, though. :)"

"What a great idea for these lists. There are so many on here now. :)"

"1. Beatles 2. Queen 3. Doors 4. Suede (aka London Suede in the US) 5. Steeleye Span 6. Dido 7. Rufus Wainwright 8. Adam & the Ants 9. Grant Lee Phillips/Grant Lee Buffalo 10. Abba"

"Great idea. Sometimes it's hard to find these things, and this will make it a good deal easier. :)"

"Damn! Can I change Zemeckis for Ang Lee, please? Make that: 1. Steven Spielberg 2. Hayao Miyazaki 3. Ron Howard 4. Tim Burton 5. Peter Jackson 6. Ang Lee 7. Rob Reiner 8. Alfred Hitchcock 9. Terry G"

"After much debate with myself, my games: 1. Sims 2 2. Might and Magic 8 3. Betrayal at Krondor 4. Might and Magic 6 5. Anvil of Dawn 6. Civilizations 2 7. Master of Magic 8. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivio"

"I think the Jazz piece in POA is available...you'd have to figure out for sure which it is, but I bet you could find it. Sounds like fun. I definitely want to try this. :D"

"Another great addition, I don't know if you know her, but Mia Zapata of the Gits. She was murdered in her late 20s. Oh, and a correction to Cass Elliot above, she didn't die of choking. She had a h"

"There was also a Joker in the Super Friends Cartoon: http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&safe=off&q=super+friends+joker&aq=f&aqi=g1g-m2&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=9bef8cda26d1a6ec "

"@ Doc Holliday and Fanya - These are my favorites. You're entitled to your opinion, but if you don't like them, there's no need to be so critical about them."

"Yes. I like those two a lot. There were a lot of great ones there. And yeah, up until the last few pages, there are a lot of dead image links."

"As Jonathan said above, Milk is not on here because it was made after the list was created, and I will not be updating this list unless they update theirs."

"Does Prince of Persia count? Given that he's a non-european?"

"Another--Bruce Willis in Die Hard: "Yippie Kai Yai, mutherfucker." "Welcome to the party, pal!""

"Oh...and that Barrowman pick you have above is with Ianto Jones's actor, Gareth David-Lloyd."

"Not sure if candids count or not, but David Tennant kissed John Barrowman once, too: http://animoscrypt.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/davidjohnkiss.jpg And Barrowman also kissed James Marsters on Torchw"

"http://www.listal.com/list/alternate-holidays-movies there you go. All linked. :)"

"Great list! Would you mind if I linked to my "Alternate Holidays" list? It's basically everything but Halloween and Christmas movies, so I stayed away from horror films, but some of these would fit "

"Betrayal at Krondor was released by Sierra when they brought out Return to Krondor. The company's gone now, but the game's still available a few places. http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/208/Betraya"

"Wow. Great list, despite its immensity. I of course had to look for the small handful I had to make sure I had them rated. We inherited our Atari from my uncle when he went into the Marines, and I "

":D Yes, you definitely should, Nonfictionguy! :D More votes would be great!"

"Another good one to look into is Raul Julia. And more I'm less sure on, but are worth looking into: Viggo Mortensen, Geoffrey Rush, Johnathan Price and Stellan Skarsgard. I'd also love to see at lea"

"Another fun list to do might be the reoccurring Defense lawyers and/or the reoccurring Judges. Great series of lists!"

"What about Being Human? I believe they're on their second season now?"

"An interesting list, as it shows the versatility of some actors, but some do make me wonder--it seems to me that Johnny Depp's list should be more far-reaching than it is. But I know that the Pirates"

"Oh! And all the villains from the 60's Batman tv show. And from the 90s version of the Flash"